Browse delicious ranch raised beef here

What To Expect From Us
We ride for our brand and are proud that the brand we ride for has been in the family for over 70 years. What that means to you is that we will stand behind our product. We believe that you'll agree that this is some of the best tasting beef to ever come off your fork! If not, we'll make it right, whatever it takes.
Because we produce just a few cattle each year, we limit our delivery/shipping area to Wyoming, Northern Colorado, and Western Nebraska. That ensures you an available product that will arrive in perfect shape for your freezer and ultimately your plate.
Basics of buying bulk beef
When providing beef this way, there are some basics we like to make sure everyone understands up front. This is ranch raised beef from cattle selected for genetics that will make tender, juicy, flavorful beef. Our cows are Hereford and our bulls are either Hereford or Red Angus. Our herd is handled and raised following Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) guidelines. Amy and I are both BQA Certified and, if we have to supplement what we raise with calves or yearlings, we only buy cattle from other BQA Certified ranches. This means that these cattle are raised and handled using the best stockmanship methods available with humane treatment underlying all handling techniques. The grain finished animals are raised on pasture grasses until they are placed on the finishing ration where they are fed locally raised grass and grass/alfalfa hay, a grain mix, and a protein/mineral supplement for 100 to 120 days. Grass finished animals are raised on pasture grasses, grass, and grass/alfalfa hay, and supplemented with protein when needed. They finish out on Spring and early Summer grasses in our pastures. We don’t give these animals hormones to promote growth and we don’t feed them antibiotics.
After an animal is harvested at an USDA inspected plant, the processor will get a Hot Carcass Weight. That is the weight used to calculate your cost. The carcass will hang in the processor’s cooler for a minimum of 14 days post-harvest. This aids in creating a more tender, flavorful product, but also shrinks the carcass weight by an average of 3%. You will NOT be charged for basic processing. Your price will be $6.95 per pound based on the Hot Carcass Weight. Example: A 1300-pound live animal will yield a 780-pound hot carcass. A 780-pound carcass will yield about 420 pounds of packaged beef. $6.95 x 780 = $5421 per animal. $5421 ÷ 420 pounds = $12.91 per pound. Grass finished costs a little more to raise and yields less beef per animal so your price for that is $7.65 per pound hanging weight. That’s a good value especially when you factor in the knowledge of where and how this is raised and how good it tastes.
A whole beef is made of 2 sides or halves of beef. Each side has a front quarter that contains cuts like Brisket, Chuck, Ribeye and Shoulder; and a hindquarter that contains cuts like Round, Sirloin, and Loin. The amount of hamburger will vary depending on the whole cuts ordered and how many of those whole cuts are bone-in or boneless. When ordering a whole beef or a half beef, everything is very simple because, all you have to do is select the cuts and the packaging that meet your needs. When ordering a Quarter, you are getting cuts from both the front and hind quarters and the appropriate amount of ground beef associated with the half the quarters came from. If you prefer, we can select a mix of cuts that are sure to fill your freezer with a tasty variety for any season. Please see the Beef Chart for a visual example.

We can help you customize your beef

Where does Bridle Bit Beef come from?
We are proud to own a small herd of Hereford cows. We selected Hereford because of their gentle disposition and their carcass quality. We use either Hereford or Red Angus bulls for the same reasons.
Calves are born in April and May, stay with mom until October, are weaned in October and overwintered at our ranch on grass hay, mineral and protein tubs. They go to our summer pasture in May of the following year as "yearlings" where they are allowed to grow and mature on good strong Wyoming grasses supplemented with mineral. We take them off of the summer pasture in late September, sort them into grain and grass groups and start the grain group on a grain ration, grass hay, mineral and protein tubs. The grass group is fed grass hay, mineral and protein tubs.
The grain finished cattle will stay with us for around 120 days before being processed. The grass finished cattle will stay with us, go back to a summer pasture and then to the processor in July. That way they take advantage of the good Spring and early summer pastures to finish.